Chiropractors care for patients with health problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They use spinal adjustments and manipulation, as well as other clinical interventions (such as non-surgical decompression), to manage patients' health concerns, such as back and neck pain.

A Chiropractic adjustment/manipulation is a procedure in which trained licensed doctors use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled force to a joint. The goal of this procedure is to improve motion and improve your body's physical function.

Non-Surgical Decompression is a treatment that can be applied to the Neck, Low Back, and Knees. There is a gentle controlled traction applied to the area being treated with the purpose of providing relief of pain, as well as promoting healing to the area with an increased circulation of nutrients. Most common conditions treated with decompression involve disc herniations/bulges, degeneration, and leg or arm pains associated with nerve compressions.

Dr. Oscar Alvarado


Kudrat Bassi


Alvarado Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, APC (Pain Relief Clinic Cerritos)

13344 South Street,
Cerritos, CA


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